The HoA-REC&N focuses on environmental concerns and sustainable development options within the Horn of Africa.The mission and vision of HoA-REC&N are realized through the three partnership programs. The Climate Resilience Partnership Program implements projects focusing on climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable energy including Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) and voluntary pro-poor carbon projects. The Social Ecological Resilience Partnership Program deals with ecosystem conservation and management and rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems. The Environmental Governance and Education Partnership Program aspires to improve environmental governance at global, regional, national and local levels; mainstream environment and sustainability in education systems, and facilitate demand-driven action research.

  1. Climate Resilience Partnership Program
  2. Sustainable energy, Carbon and Urban resilience Program
  3. Social Ecological Resilience Partnership Program
  4. Environmental Governance and Education Partnership Program
  5. Integrated land use and community development pilot project in the CRV

HoA-REC Implements different Projects under the programs:

  1. Horn of Africa Environmental Sustainability and Resilience Project(HOA-REC-ESR) (ongoing)

2. CABES (Capacity Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts) Project (ongoing)

3. Climate Academy- Sustainable Chain of Coffee in Kenya and Ethiopia (ongoing)

4. AFD(Zerihun proj) (ongoing)

5. Integrated Land Use & Development Master Plan (ILDP) (Implemented)

6. West Guji Cookstove Distribution Project (Implemented)

7. Horn of Africa Climate Change Program(Implemented) (Implemented)

8. PPCR-ZSSB project (Implemented)

9. Horn of Africa Wildlife Crime Programme (WLCP) (Implemented)

10. Water Allocation Plan Project (Implemented)

11. Jama-Urji Farmers Managed Forestry Project(Implemented) (Implemented)

12. The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project (Implemented)

The EU Energy Facility Project

Repi Landfill

Dilla Briquette Factory

Areke Production in Arsi-Negelle

TERI – HoAREC (improved cookstoves)

Carbon-neutral Coffee (the cookstove component)

Biogas Transport