National Biodiversity Platform- Ethiopia meeting
The National Biodiversity Platform Ethiopian (NBP-E) conducted a meeting on February 27, 2024, in Addis Ababa. The meeting was organized to launch the engagement of the sub-committees assigned to provide technical and resource mobilization support to the platform. Members of the three teams, namely the Multidisciplinary Expert Team, the Capacity Building and Resource Mobilization Team, and the Local-Indigenous Knowledge Promotion and Integration Team, are composed of senior experts from various disciplines of social and natural sciences, biodiversity-related fields, and heads of NGos working in biodiversity-related fields. Besides, the meeting was attended by members of the National Biodiversity Platform Board and other stakeholders of the platform.
During the meetings, brief speeches were delivered on establishment history and objectives of the platform, about the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, IPBES (, and the CABES project In addition, the 2024 annual plan of the platform was presented to the meeting participants.
Furthermore, the sub-committees separately discussed and identified their roles and responsibilities, areas of support, and engagement modalities. Each of the sub-committees drafted a terms of reference that expedite their engagement. The meeting was organized by HoAREC&N-CABES Project and NBP-E.