Jama-Urji Farmers Managed Forestry Project

Brief summary

Deforestation and forest degradation have been a long standing component of environmental degradation in East Africa. In Ethiopia, the government has introduced the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy, in part, to address deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia was planning to start a jurisdictional REDD+ programme in the voluntary carbon market.

Cognizant to these facts, the Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) developed the East African Afforestation Reforestation Programme (EAARP) – a regional carbon finance programme, which will be validated under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). Under the EAARP umbrella, carbon finance projects can be implemented in six Eastern African countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. The Jama-Urji Farmer Managed Forestry Project is the first project (i.e. instance) implemented as part of the EAARP.

Jama-Urji Mountain made an ideal starting place for the EARRP, because it is located in the Oromia Region

of Ethiopia, where the  REDD+ programme is being implemented. Moreover, VCS has simplified requirements, especially regarding the fulfilment of the compliance and market requirements, when compared to other carbon standards.

The project has two primary methodologies for rehabilitating Jama-Urji Mountain: 1. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) and 2. Enrichment Planting (EP). To monitor carbon sequestration and storage, the project employs the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)methodology called,AR_ACM0003, .

The Project

Project Proponent: HoAREC&N-AAU.

Project Implementer: Local partner, Arsi Nature Conservation and Environmental Development Association (ANCEDA).


Direct: local community organized as forest cooperatives in the 6 PAs.: Alge Rima,  Korre Borjata,  Dalitte Chleleka ,  Borra- Borama, Tatessa Dedesa Korbitte

Indirect: All residences of the Shahsemene and Shalla woredas, local CBOs government sector offices and the people in the West Arsi Zon and beyond.

The project location:  Oromia Regional Stae, West Arsi Zone, Shashemene and Shall weredas.

Total area: The total  project area in Jama-Urji Mountain is 6,593 hectare  and, from that area, 5,191 hectares are eligible for reforestation and revegetation efforts under the VCS.

Baseline estimated  Values

Instance area = 5,191.57 ha

Total VCUs  =  3.2 tCO2e /year/ha

Net GHG emission reduction or removals = 567,228 tCO2e

Fig.1 Vegetation map of Jam-urji Mountain