1st East Africa Sub-regional Workshop commences in Adds Ababa, Ethiopia
Press Release
08 November 2023
Horn Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network, Addis Ababa University (AAU-HoAREC&N)
1st East Africa Sub-regional Workshop commences in Adds Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia AAU-HoAREC&N is pleased to announce that the 1st East Africa Sub-regional Workshop with the theme “The Road to a Desired Future: the IPBES Nature Future Framework and Science-Policy-Practice Interface for People-Planet Harmony” has commenced today November 08, 2023 at Jupiter International Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The two-day workshop (8th-9th November 2023) aims to promote awareness, utilization, and engagement in IPBES work programs to achieve sustainable development goals and contribute to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Goals.
The workshop aims to enhance awareness and understanding of IPBES and the CABES project framework, increase collaboration and ownership of IPBES products among stakeholders, and develop effective strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.
The workshop seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1. Raise awareness on IPBES and CABES project frameworks.
2. Promote utilization of IPBES products and work programs up to 2030 to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) Goals.
3. Create an enabling environment for enhancing the Science-Policy-Practice Interface.
4. Share IPBES program-based experiences and develop strategies for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.
5. Strengthen sub-regional and national Biodiversity Platforms and enhance engagement and collaboration among experts in accordance with IPBES work program.
The expected outcomes include enhanced awareness of IPBES and the CABES project framework, increased engagement and collaboration among experts, and improved utilization of IPBES products to contribute to sustainable development goals and the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework goals.
The workshop will ahered more than 80 participants, including National Focal Points (NFPs) of IPBES and CBD from 17 East, West and Central African countries, along with experts from relevant research communities, NGOs, public and private sectors, indigenous and local knowledge holders, youth, and women groups. NFPs from the remaining six countries, where CABES is establishing national platforms, are also invited. The diversity of attendees ensures a collaborative and inclusive platform for discussion, knowledge sharing, and developing strategies on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.
During the two-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussions and familiarize themselves with newly released IPBES products, including the Nature Futures Framework (NFF), invasive alien species assessment, and climate change and biodiversity reports. Through these discussions, stakeholders will enhance their understanding of IPBES assessments and strategies to control invasive alien species, with the goal of effectively communicating them to respective country policy makers.
The opening session was attended by more than 15 government and private media institutions, and exclusive interviews were conducted with senior government officials, renowned scientist from West, East and Central African countries and representatives of international organisations.