Training Strengthens Ethiopian Law Enforcement Actors in Wildlife Protection
![Participants of the training on Law Enforcement Actors, Addis Ababa](
Aiming to strengthen law enforcement actors in Ethiopia in the fight against wildlife crimes, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) conducted wildlife judicial and prosecutorial assistance training in Addis Ababa. Taking place from 15 – 18 November 2016, the training brought together 35 law enforcement and wildlife-management officers, prosecutors, and judicial officers associated with wildlife crimes prevention in Ethiopia.
The training focused on the theme: “Strengthening Law Enforcement through Judicial Interventions,” The goal was to enhance participants’ understanding of Ethiopian legislation and the international legal frameworks in wildlife crimes prevention, amongst others legal tools. The trainees discussed roles and contributions towards fighting wildlife crimes, and they addressed gaps and weaknesses in wildlife enforcement legislation, investigations, and prosecution.
IFAW conducted the training in partnership with the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the Ethiopian Wildlife Conversation Authority (EWCA) and HoA-REC&N. It is believed that improved capacity in the judiciary and law enforcement sectors will ensure effective investigations and prosecutions that help discourage criminals from committing wildlife crimes in Ethiopia.
Through its Wildlife Crimes Prevention Programme (WLCP), HoA-REC&N is working towards a collaborative effort to prevent wildlife crimes in the Horn of Africa. The Horn region has recently emerged as source and transit route for illicit wildlife products and live animals.