Project expeditor meeting conducted on the establishment of an independent ILDP institution in GPNRS.

H.E Mr. Thankuay Jock, V. President of the GPNRS

The meeting was held on August 18/ 8/2021 in Addis Ababa to discuss and forward direction towards expediting the urgent and critical activities in the ILDP phase-II project activity plan. The meeting, in the presence of H.E Mr. Thankuay Jock, V. President of the GPNRS, was attended by more than 25 participants assigned from the relevant sector bureaus, Dr. Mekuria Argaw, ED, HoAREC&N-AAU Dr. Azene Bekele, ILDP lead coordinator, ILDP program coordinator and the team, etc.

The ILDP programme has been undertaking capacity development activities for relevant institutions (sector bureaus and offices) the CCGS and others in GPNRS to facilitate and ensure the successful implementation of the ILDP in GPNRS. As part of this, different interventions have been undergoing that demand proper and timely follow-up and support by respective authorities.

Among the most critical and prioritized concerns, the programme planned to deal with include the promotion and facilitation of the establishment of an independent ILDP institution mandated to guide and regulate the overall implementation of the ILDP in the GPNRS and the promulgation of the laws, regulations and directives as enforcement mechanism. However, these have not been realized so far due to a number of challenges. There is, thus, a growing concern and urgency to address the pressing issues by respective authorities and project partners.

To this effect, the HoAREC&N-AAU ILDP program proposed a promising approach that may help expedite the pending issues and ILDP related intervention in the region. Accordingly, the common framework of engagement (CFE) document has been produced that includes the role and responsibilities of the steering and technical committees assigned to facilitate the ILDP institution and the promulgation of relevant law, regulation, directives etc., as an enforcement mechanism to facilitate the smooth implementation of the ILDP in the GPNRS.

Dr. Mekuria Argaw, Excutive Director, HoAREC&N-AAU

Chaired by H.E Mr. Thankuay Jock, V. President of the GPNRS the full-day meeting included deliberation, and presentation and discussion session.  During the meeting, participants raised questions, forwarded comments and recommendation for next immediate and short term period. Finally, the full quorum has endorsed the CFE and launched the establishment of the steering and technical committees.

Report by

Wondwossen Girmay,

ILDP program coordinator